Louisiana Grills 800 Deluxe

The LG800 Deluxe lives up to its name, giving you larger cabinets for additional storage space, two side shelves to aid in prepping, as well as – beautiful, double walled, stainless-steel finish. This is pellet grilling at its finest with Louisiana Grills’ famous burn technology. Perfect for any family, the up-and-coming Backyard Griller, the Culinary Expert, or the Busy Mom the LG800 Deluxe features 838 square inches of two-tiered, cast-iron cooking space. The digital control board allows for precise temperature control, reaching up to 600?F, and the double walled stainless-steel construction ensures outstanding heat retention.

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Meat Probe: Full-function programmable meat probe
Cooking Temp Range: 180F to 60F
Standard Flame Broiler: Simple slide-plate for direct and indirect flame grilling
Main Grid Construction: Porcelain-coated cast iron
Upper Rack Construction: Porcelain-coated cast iron
Bottle Opener: Stainless steel bottle opener

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Product Location

Littleton, Sudbury


Louisiana Grills

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Cart Grill

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