If you’ve got an inefficient fireplace, you might as well be burning dollar bills.
Any heat generated is offset by the warmth of your house being sucked up the chimney and outside.
An open-masonry fireplace might be only 15 percent efficient. But if there is no fire and the damper is left open, it can have negative efficiency as warm air escapes.
The quest for efficiency starts with the type of fireplace you have. Or want. Gas and electric fireplaces are the most efficient, wood-burners are the least. Open-faced, traditional wood-burning fireplaces are very inefficient.
Go into a fireplace shop and look at all the difference fireplaces.
When you do renovations, wood-burning fireplaces generally don’t click design-wise. A redesigned room doesn’t have the bang with an open fireplace that looks and feels outdated because it burns wood. You get a better return for your dollar with gas.
So let’s talk about efficiency.
If you already have a fireplace, there are things you can do to improve efficiency. First, make sure your chimney is clean and safe. After that, it’s mostly about the features.
Glass Fireplace Doors
Without doors, your fireplace will suck the heat out of your home and send it up the chimney. There’s an endless variety of designs for fireplace doors with tempered or ceramic glass. An advantage of the latter is it lets some heat radiate back into the room. Doors
also add another level of safety, especially if there are kids around.
The throat damper is made of cast iron and sits near the bottom of the chimney and regulates air flow. It can warp or rust over time, compromising the seal and becoming less effective. The top mount damper sits atop the chimney and is preferred by some experts. Either way, keep the damper closed when the fireplace is not in use.
Fireplace Grates
Steel grates have a tendency to warp and wear out. A heavy-duty cast iron fireplace grate is recommended. Another possibility is one with a blower on the bottom that sends heat back into the room. This makes them 10 times more efficient.
Fireplace Inserts
Fireplace Inserts are enclosed cast iron boxes that use gas, pellets, or wood, and are retrofitted into existing fireplaces. They are very efficient, and can reduce a home heating bill between 20 and 40 percent.
For more information on making your fireplace more attractive and efficient, contact The Woodstove Fireplace & Patio Shop.
Source: Chicago Tribune