Gas Logs and Custom Fireplace Doors: Beautiful and Functional

The Woodstove Firepace and Patio Shop - Boston, Sudbury, Natick

Are you redesigning, redecorating or remodeling a favorite room in your house? If so, now is the time to consider gas log sets and custom glass fireplace doors. Instead of an open fireplace consider a fire that will add beauty and efficient warmth to your home.

You could add a fireplace insert, but then you’d have to use their design, not your own. If you are designing or remodeling a living space, custom glass fireplace doors can offer you the style you want to match your home.

Gas logs and glass fireplace doors make your fireplace more efficient while making it easier to use. They cost much less than a fireplace insert, too. Open fireplaces are very inefficient. If you want to use the fireplace, even sparingly, it would make more sense to add gas logs and glass fireplace doors. Open fireplaces draw the heat out of your house and up the chimney. Gas fireplaces light with the touch of a button and the glass doors make the heat more efficient. Gas log sets and glass fireplace doors allow you to be able to use the fireplace whenever you desire, even after a long day at work; with no hauling of wood or mess to clean up.

In fact, choose the style of log set too, your re-designed fireplace can have the exact style, look and feel you want. And, gas log sets look that incredibly similar to natural wood.

Gas logs and glass fireplace doors are faster to install than fireplace inserts, which means you can relax in front of the fire soon. For more information on gas logs and fireplace doors, contact The Woodstove Fireplace & Patio Shop.


Littleton Store Hours
TUE - FRI: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
SAT: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
SUN - MON: Closed

Sudbury Store Hours:
TUE: 10:30 am - 6:00 pm
WED - FRI: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
SAT: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
SUN - MON: Closed

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