Fireplace Inserts: Heating with Natural Gas is Attractive and Easy

The Woodstove Fireplace & Patio Shop - Gas Fireplace Inserts

It is not too late to start heating your home more efficiently and easily. If you heat with oil, but have natural gas in the house, you have numerous options. In fact, by adding a gas fireplace insert to help heat your home, you can reduce the price of your oil bill by quite a bit.

In fact, a new gas fireplace insert is very often more efficient than your furnace. So heating your home with gas is more cost effective. If your home has a natural gas line you are already halfway there.

At The Woodstove Fireplace & Patio Shop we have many customers that come see us about better and more attractive ways to heat their homes. Wood works for many homeowners. But often, once we start talking about their home and their lifestyle and we find out they have a natural gas line already running to their home and they usually choose a gas fireplace insert.

Natural Gas is the easiest way to add fire to your home, and it’s no work. At the same time, you can reduce your home heating bills during the frigid and snowy winter. Gas inserts are controlled by a switch or remote. If you want a fire burning in your hearth push the button. They are also controlled with a thermostat, for more constant, even heating. No wood to stack, no pellets to haul in.

For more information on gas fireplace inserts contact The Woodstove Fireplace & Patio Shop.


Littleton Store Hours
TUE - FRI: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
SAT: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
SUN - MON: Closed

Sudbury Store Hours:
TUE: 10:30 am - 6:00 pm
WED - FRI: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
SAT: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
SUN - MON: Closed

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